What is The Cryptos webcomic?
Started in September 2017, The Cryptos webcomic explores the hidden lives of cryptocurrencies. We humans like to speculate on them, but as this webcomic shows, the coins actually have a lot of emotional depth. The comic strip is a work of satire and should be considered fictional in nature.

How often are comics published?
Comics are published sporadically, without too much rhyme. Often when inspiration hits.

What is ‘Ledgerville’?
Ledgerville is the art production effort connected to the same universe that the webcomic is set in. It is also the name of the town in which The Cryptos live.

Are these comics available as NFTs?
Yes, but at present they are not for sale. Comics are sometimes given away in promotions.

Can I republish these comics on my own page/channel?
Yes, absolutely! I love it when people share the comics. Please just provide attribution back to www.ledgerville.io – or any of my channels found in the sidebar.

Is this webcomic financial advice?
Yes, it is.

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
